The most obvious piece advice to players with PVP servers is to stay aware! You don't need to be concerned about players who are hostile until you've reached the third zone (usually between levels 17-20) which includes The Wetlands WoTLK Gold, Thousand Needles, or Red Ridge. If you notice that in the title of an zone on your minimap changing from orange to green but it's a sign that you're open to any enemies who want to kill you.
The only advice to stay clear of gankage is being aware of your surroundings, particularly when you're playing on your own. If you're not a hunter and have the ability to utilize Track Humanoids to see everyone on your minimap, the best method to monitor the surroundings around your character is to check your perspective manually. It's as simple as pressing your left mouse button, and then moving your mouse around. it's possible to scout the space behind your character without turning around. It's not difficult to forget how to accomplish this task, it's something you must get into this routine it whenever you're waiting for the ability to cool down or for a spell's duration to be completed its casting duration, because the situation on the battlefield could change over the course only a couple of minutes.If you aren't able to identify an PVP opponent coming before they have the chance to attack you, you're probably already dead. Most players aren't going to bother attacking an opponent unless they're certain that they will win. If you're trying to steal a retreat by using a snare or root like Hamstring and Wing Clip and then securing an escape as quickly as you can.
It's a fact. this; if you'd like to be able to live your life while traveling through the densely-populated PVP lands like Hillsbrad and Stranglethorn Vale, then you'll most likely need to find at least one other person to buy WoTLK Classic Gold join you before venturing out into the wilderness. This is particularly true when you've arrived in a brand new region and you're the lowest man on the totem pole in a sense. This is particularly true when you're the only Horde player who is heading towards Hillsbrad to the very first time. In this case, the Alliance has a distinct advantage due to their superior levels. It's not as much of an issue when you acquire an mount, as you'll theoretically stay clear of any enemies moving around, but you'll need to ensure that you scan the surrounding area (with using the mouse's left button as explained in the previous paragraph) even when you're mounted.